Thursday, June 14, 2007

Cowtown and Kenya?

Is there more than meets the eye in this welcome from Bishop Iker to the news of his friend, Canon Bill Atwood, rising to the level of missionary Bishop in the Anglican Church of Kenya? Canon Atwood, as that missionary bishop, will minister to all the "those here in in the States who have been alienated from The Episcopal Church in recent years" - all those, that is, who aren't already being ministered to by the Church of Rwanda or Nigeria.

So, I wonder who those alienated ones will be? hmmm...let me I venture a guess???

Monday, June 04, 2007

Integrity in Fort Worth - Finally!
No good thing will God withhold from those who walk with Integrity. Psalm 84:11

Well, we did it! The Board of Integrity met in Fort Worth this past weekend. And we had a service on the Feast of Justin Martyr with the Reverend Susan Russell, president of Integrity preaching and celebrating the Eucharist.

Hell did not freeze over; nor did the stars fall from the sky. But the Holy Spirit did dance amongst us!

The service was held at an awesome church on Pennsylvania Avenue - Celebration Community Church ( Approximately 50 people were there to participate and to welcome the Board to Fort Worth. (more than in several diocesan parishes on any given Sunday morning). I won't embarrass the diocese by telling why we met there rather than in a local Episcopal parish.

I would like to thank every one of you who participated in so many different ways -The Folk Group at Trinity (y'all are awesome!!!!!!!!!); Susann and Marvin for the wonderful reception!!!!!!!!!; the Reverend Carol West and the congregation of CCC for sharing with us and to Lisette -- thank you for being with us! Most of all - all of you who came out and witnessed that night - thank you for your love and support. It is good to be a part of your community!

Many thanks to the entire Board of Integrity - what a great blessing to be a part of this dynamic group!




The Feast of Justin Martyr

June 1, 2007 ~ Ft Worth, TX

On behalf of the Integrity Board it is truly an honor and a blessing to be here with you in the Diocese of Fort Worth this week. There is much on our agenda as we meet over these three days … and – I hope this isn’t “breaking news” – we actually DO have “an agenda.” And since it’s an Integrity Agenda you arguably COULD call it a “gay agenda” … but the truth is, it looks an awful lot like any OTHER church or not-for-profit Board agenda. We have budgets and financials to approve; action items to account for and strategic plans to implement. There are chapter and network reports and membership issues and database updates. It is mostly just plain old hard work … hard work that is holy work as it is all of it … every bullet point and press release and regional report and line item … offered in the service of this holy work to which we have been called … this living out of the Gospel in our day just as the saints throughout the ages have lived it out in theirs.

read the rest at Susan's blog -

Normal does not mean OK

  I often wonder how I live such a normal life. I know they say that “normal” is only a setting on the dryer, but you know what I mean. I ha...